The auditor's pilot project enabled Amaggi to pinpoint the weaknesses and strengths to improve the company’s monitoring

23.06.2021 • News

In March 2021, at Imaflora's invitation, Amaggi took part in a pilot project to test the application of a benchmarking Verification and Audit process to monitor its soybean suppliers.

Amaggi's purchases were verified at three units located in the Cerrado region. The purpose of the document is to provide a baseline of best practices hinged on the guidelines of the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFI) through the auditing of zero deforestation commitments in the soy sector, regardless of whether the biome is the Amazon or the Cerrado.

Fabiana Reguero, Amaggi's Social and Environmental manager, tells us how the company took part in the process.

Soy on Track: What did you think of the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot experience?
Fabiana Reguero: It was positive because it allowed us to deepen our understanding of the best practices for compliance and transparency of our socio-environmental commitments, especially our positioning Towards a grain chain free of deforestation and conversion of native vegetation, getting to know a little more about the demands of the third sector and the market. We received confirmation that we are on the right track and evolving, particularly in the process of monitoring and traceability of our grain supply chain.

Soy on Track: What was it like going through a remote audit because of the pandemic?
Fabiana Reguero: The remote audit delivered on its proposal since Amaggi was able to verify the systems it was using, as well as the procedures to comply with the company's social and environmental commitments.

Soy on Track: What was it like working with the auditor in terms of understanding the protocol?
Fabiana Reguero: The auditor, throughout the audit, was interested and concerned in being as clear as possible so that all participants could understood the criteria. The approach - using simple and clear language, always going over the criteria and asking if everyone had understood - also helped us to meet the requirements.

Soy on Track: Did you identify any points that need improvement?
Fabiana Reguero: We realized that we need to make more progress on the traceability of indirect suppliers, a challenge that the whole sector is facing. Amaggi has been working to achieve this goal with the help of technological tools, such as the Originar platform, where the risk of triangulation is minimised.

Soy on Track: Did you find any good practices?
Fabiana Reguero: Yes, during the audit, as well as in the conclusion of the report, they highlighted the quality of Amaggi's socio-environmental management system and the team with regard to traceability and the assurances of purchases that comply with the company’s commitments. They also highlighted the Originar platform, which is essential in tracking and cross-referencing socio-environmental and sales data.

Soy on Track: Did the pilot lead to any new practices in the company?
Fabiana Reguero: The pilot was important to reaffirm the company's concern regarding the traceability of indirect suppliers, today one of the main bottlenecks in the sector. The pilot also underlined the points that require more clarity and transparency in the value chain, demonstrating in an increasingly assertive manner our results, such as the 98% traceability of the direct supply chain already achieved and 99% of zero deforestation and conversion on the traceable volume, in addition to the plan to overcome the challenges that still exist in the short, medium and long term.

Soy on Track: At the end of the process, what did you learn?
Fabiana Reguero: Participating in a process like this is important because it gives us an outside view of how Amaggi tackles its commitments and encourages transparency in the processes. It also helps us to identify possible points that need improvement, as well as to reaffirm that we are on the right path towards achieving a deforestation/conversion-free and restriction-free chain.

Soy on Track: What benefits does the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot provide?
Fabiana Reguero: It deepened our knowledge of our own processes, pointed out our successes and showed us where we need to evolve.

Soy on Track: What were the difficulties?
Fabiana Reguero: Initially, there was some difficulty in understanding because there are currently several documents and guidelines required for the sector that refer to the topics of traceability, monitoring and deforestation. But all the auditor's requests were met, based on the protocol.
Click here to know more about the Soy Moratorium Protocol 2019/2020

In March 2021, at Imaflora's invitation, Amaggi took part in a pilot project to test the application of a benchmarking Verification and Audit process to monitor its soybean suppliers.

Amaggi's purchases were verified at three units located in the Cerrado region. The purpose of the document is to provide a baseline of best practices hinged on the guidelines of the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFI) through the auditing of zero deforestation commitments in the soy sector, regardless of whether the biome is the Amazon or the Cerrado.

Fabiana Reguero, Amaggi's Social and Environmental manager, tells us how the company took part in the process.

Soy on Track: What did you think of the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot experience?

Fabiana Reguero: It was positive because it allowed us to deepen our understanding of the best practices for compliance and transparency of our socio-environmental commitments, especially our positioning Towards a grain chain free of deforestation and conversion of native vegetation, getting to know a little more about the demands of the third sector and the market. We received confirmation that we are on the right track and evolving, particularly in the process of monitoring and traceability of our grain supply chain.

Soy on Track: What was it like going through a remote audit because of the pandemic?
Fabiana Reguero: The remote audit delivered on its proposal since Amaggi was able to verify the systems it was using, as well as the procedures to comply with the company's social and environmental commitments.

Soy on Track: What was it like working with the auditor in terms of understanding the protocol?
Fabiana Reguero: The auditor, throughout the audit, was interested and concerned in being as clear as possible so that all participants could understood the criteria. The approach - using simple and clear language, always going over the criteria and asking if everyone had understood - also helped us to meet the requirements.

Soy on Track: Did you identify any points that need improvement?
Fabiana Reguero: We realized that we need to make more progress on the traceability of indirect suppliers, a challenge that the whole sector is facing. Amaggi has been working to achieve this goal with the help of technological tools, such as the Originar platform, where the risk of triangulation is minimised.

Soy on Track: Did you find any good practices?
Fabiana Reguero: Yes, during the audit, as well as in the conclusion of the report, they highlighted the quality of Amaggi's socio-environmental management system and the team with regard to traceability and the assurances of purchases that comply with the company’s commitments. They also highlighted the Originar platform, which is essential in tracking and cross-referencing socio-environmental and sales data.

Soy on Track: Did the pilot lead to any new practices in the company?
Fabiana Reguero: The pilot was important to reaffirm the company's concern regarding the traceability of indirect suppliers, today one of the main bottlenecks in the sector. The pilot also underlined the points that require more clarity and transparency in the value chain, demonstrating in an increasingly assertive manner our results, such as the 98% traceability of the direct supply chain already achieved and 99% of zero deforestation and conversion on the traceable volume, in addition to the plan to overcome the challenges that still exist in the short, medium and long term.

Soy on Track: At the end of the process, what did you learn?
Fabiana Reguero: Participating in a process like this is important because it gives us an outside view of how Amaggi tackles its commitments and encourages transparency in the processes. It also helps us to identify possible points that need improvement, as well as to reaffirm that we are on the right path towards achieving a deforestation/conversion-free and restriction-free chain.

Soy on Track: What benefits does the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot provide?
Fabiana Reguero: It deepened our knowledge of our own processes, pointed out our successes and showed us where we need to evolve.

Soy on Track: What were the difficulties?
Fabiana Reguero: Initially, there was some difficulty in understanding because there are currently several documents and guidelines required for the sector that refer to the topics of traceability, monitoring and deforestation. But all the auditor's requests were met, based on the protocol.

In March 2021, at Imaflora's invitation, Amaggi took part in a pilot project to test the application of a benchmarking Verification and Audit process to monitor its soybean suppliers.

Amaggi's purchases were verified at three units located in the Cerrado region. The purpose of the document is to provide a baseline of best practices hinged on the guidelines of the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFI) through the auditing of zero deforestation commitments in the soy sector, regardless of whether the biome is the Amazon or the Cerrado.

Fabiana Reguero, Amaggi's Social and Environmental manager, tells us how the company took part in the process.

Soy on Track: What did you think of the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot experience?

Fabiana Reguero: It was positive because it allowed us to deepen our understanding of the best practices for compliance and transparency of our socio-environmental commitments, especially our positioning Towards a grain chain free of deforestation and conversion of native vegetation, getting to know a little more about the demands of the third sector and the market. We received confirmation that we are on the right track and evolving, particularly in the process of monitoring and traceability of our grain supply chain.

Soy on Track: What was it like going through a remote audit because of the pandemic?
Fabiana Reguero: The remote audit delivered on its proposal since Amaggi was able to verify the systems it was using, as well as the procedures to comply with the company's social and environmental commitments.

Soy on Track: What was it like working with the auditor in terms of understanding the protocol?
Fabiana Reguero: The auditor, throughout the audit, was interested and concerned in being as clear as possible so that all participants could understood the criteria. The approach - using simple and clear language, always going over the criteria and asking if everyone had understood - also helped us to meet the requirements.

Soy on Track: Did you identify any points that need improvement?
Fabiana Reguero: We realized that we need to make more progress on the traceability of indirect suppliers, a challenge that the whole sector is facing. Amaggi has been working to achieve this goal with the help of technological tools, such as the Originar platform, where the risk of triangulation is minimised.

Soy on Track: Did you find any good practices?
Fabiana Reguero: Yes, during the audit, as well as in the conclusion of the report, they highlighted the quality of Amaggi's socio-environmental management system and the team with regard to traceability and the assurances of purchases that comply with the company’s commitments. They also highlighted the Originar platform, which is essential in tracking and cross-referencing socio-environmental and sales data.

Soy on Track: Did the pilot lead to any new practices in the company?
Fabiana Reguero: The pilot was important to reaffirm the company's concern regarding the traceability of indirect suppliers, today one of the main bottlenecks in the sector. The pilot also underlined the points that require more clarity and transparency in the value chain, demonstrating in an increasingly assertive manner our results, such as the 98% traceability of the direct supply chain already achieved and 99% of zero deforestation and conversion on the traceable volume, in addition to the plan to overcome the challenges that still exist in the short, medium and long term.

Soy on Track: At the end of the process, what did you learn?
Fabiana Reguero: Participating in a process like this is important because it gives us an outside view of how Amaggi tackles its commitments and encourages transparency in the processes. It also helps us to identify possible points that need improvement, as well as to reaffirm that we are on the right path towards achieving a deforestation/conversion-free and restriction-free chain.

Soy on Track: What benefits does the Unified Audit Protocol Pilot provide?
Fabiana Reguero: It deepened our knowledge of our own processes, pointed out our successes and showed us where we need to evolve.

Soy on Track: What were the difficulties?
Fabiana Reguero: Initially, there was some difficulty in understanding because there are currently several documents and guidelines required for the sector that refer to the topics of traceability, monitoring and deforestation. But all the auditor's requests were met, based on the protocol.

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