This table offers a list of companies operating in the soybean chain and shows which ones have signed the commitments of the Soy Moratorium and/or the Green Grain Protocol of Pará state.
Internet users can also check the companies that have been audited, those that have yet to be audited and those that are exempt from audits by the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office, in the case of the Green Grain Protocol of Pará state.
The sources of information for the table are: The Brazilian Vegetable Oil Industry Association (Abiove), the Brazilian Grain Exporters’ Association (Anec) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Pará (MPF). The data is dynamic and constantly updated.
The table can be customised by selecting the items in the first row.
See how to use the table
Company Name |
Business activity
Soy Moratorium
Audited |
Pará state's Green Grain Protocol
Audited | ||
ADM | BOTH | National |
AGREX | ANEC | National |
Agribrasil | ANEC | National |
Agro Amazônia Produtos Agropecuários | Not associated | Regional |
Agro Karajá Comércio de Cereais e Exportação | Not associated | Regional |
Agromais Comércio de Grãos | Not associated | Regional |
Agromon Agricultura e Pecuária | Not associated | Regional |
Agropag - Agroindústria de Paragominas | Not associated | Regional |
Amaggi | BOTH | National |
Associação Paraense de Avicultura - APAV | Not associated | Regional |
Belagro - G Belusso Comércio de Grãos | Not associated | Regional |
Bunge | ABIOVE | National |
Caramuru | ANEC | National |
Cargill | BOTH | National |
Cereais Guarani | Not associated | Regional |
Cerealista Independente | Not associated | Regional |
Cerealista Vale Fértil | Not associated | Regional |
CGG | Not associated | National |
CHS | ANEC | National |
CJ Internacional | ANEC | Regional |
CJ Selecta | ABIOVE | Regional |
COFCO Agri | BOTH | National |
Cooperativa Agroindustrial de Dom Eliseu - COADE | Not associated | Regional |
Cooperativa Agroindustrial Paragominense - Coopernorte | Not associated | Regional |
Cutrale Trading | ANEC | Regional |
ECTP | ANEC | National |
Fertitex Agro | Not associated | Regional |
Fiagril | BOTH | National |
Fronteira | Not associated | Regional |
Gavilon | ANEC | National |
Viterra | BOTH | National |
H P Armazéns Gerais | Not associated | Regional |
IMCOPA | ABIOVE | National |
Juparanã Comercial Agrícola | Not associated | Regional |
Lavrosolo Soluções Agrícolas | Not associated | Regional |
LDC | BOTH | National |
Marubeni | ANEC | National |
MVM Empreendimentos Agrícolas | Not associated | Regional |
Neuls Agroindústria | Not associated | Regional |
New Agro Comércio e Representações | Not associated | Regional |
Nova Agri | ANEC | National |
Olam Grains | ANEC | National |
Perdue Agribusiness | ANEC | National |
Portal Agro Comércio e Serviços | Not associated | Regional |
Prema Comércio e Exportação de Cereais | Not associated | Regional |
Rural Brasil | Not associated | Regional |
Santana Produtos Agropecuários | Not associated | Regional |
Santo Antônio da Barra | Not associated | Regional |
São Pedro Comercialização de Grãos | Not associated | Regional |
Sodrugestvo | BOTH | National |
Grupo Sinagro | ANEC | National |
Agrícola Alvorada | ANEC | National |
Agra Armazéns Gerais | Not associated | Regional |
Agropecuária Grão Pará Ltda | Not associated | Regional |
Chemical Solution Pará Ltda | Not associated | Regional |
Fort Agropecuária Eireli | Not associated | Regional |
Gouveia & Malinski Ltda ME | Not associated | Regional |
Pacto Consultoria e Corretora de Mercadorias Ltda | Not associated | Regional |
Setor Agro | Not associated | Regional |
Silo Santa Terezinha | Not associated | Regional |
MS Agro | Not associated | Regional |
Cerealista Santa Lúcia Ltda | Not associated | Regional |
Multigrain S/A | Not associated | Regional |
Mil Armazéns Gerais | Not associated | Regional |
Herbinorte Produtos Agropecuários | Not associated | Regional |
Note: The audited or exempt companies are the companies that comply with the process of verifying the implementation of their commitments. Audits allow the parties involved to understand the level of implementation of the commitments, offering a degree of transparency to society, the buyers of its products, investors and other stakeholders. Being audited does not mean full compliance with the commitments but it shows engagement in fulfilling the pact requirements.